The Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional ACE Exam Aid is specifically written and designed to help you prepare for and to pass the Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) product proficiency exam.
It does this by employing challenging multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge of the corresponding Adobe product and by helping you to obtain the knowledge required to pass the exam.
Use it as a regular part of your Study plan to identify areas of your knowledge that need improving, to track your progress, and to gain confidence by practising in a simulated official test environment.
Key Features
* Includes 315 challenging questions divided into discrete modules
* What's New section to help prepare for the recertification exam
* Original questions based on topic areas recommend for study by Adobe
* Explanatory answers that clarify concepts behind the questions
* Hyperlinks to appropriate pages selected from the application’s help file
* Study mode with option of previewing correct answers on demand
* Summary screen at the end of each module for reviewing its content
* Practice mode for testing yourself in a simulated official exam environment
* Capacity to generate unlimited practice tests based on the question pool
* Ability to raise or lower the threshold of each practice test
* Option of choosing which module, or modules, to include in a practice test
* Ability to specify number of questions to include from each module
* Countdown clock, scoring, grading, flagging, and sorting options
* Option of comparing your answers against the correct answers
* Keyboard Shortcuts for viewing questions/answers and general navigation